Hugo Tieleman in De Pont Tilburg and Stedelijk Museum Zwolle

Hugo Tieleman will participate with a painted vase in the group show 'Still Life' at Museum De Pont in Tilburg, opening 7 September 2013. Works by Tieleman are also included in the group show 'Image of a City' at Stedelijk Museum Zwolle, on view until 20/10/2013.
Still Life at Museum De Pont, Tilburg
7 September 2013 - 5 January 2014
Still Life is an exhibition of 102 vases, which have been decorated and adapted by ninety-nine artists living in Brabant . The initiator and driving force behind this project is Frank van der Linden. In 2007 Jeroen Vrijsen was the first painter whom Van der Linden approached with the request to transform a vase provided by him. During the next six years many more artists, designers and architects would respond to that same request. Among them are Marc Mulders, Paul Panhuysen, Ria van E yk, Koen Delaere and Hugo Tieleman, to name just a few. Now that the collection includes vases by nearly one hundred artists, Frank van der Linden deems it the right moment to bring this project to its conclusion. The presentation at De Pont , where all of the vases will be shown, marks that decision.